Chase Retail and Cards

Building an iconic brand and all its sub-brands.

As soon as I came on board, I pitched and won Chase for mcgarrybowen, the first really big account that got us on the path to two-time Agency of the Year, a huge staff and a global network. Our work for Chase is emotional — sometimes it’s designed to make you laugh, some times to put a lump in your throat. Either way it worked. We helped Chase sell checking accounts, develop new credit card products, sell mortgages and grow from a regional player into America’s biggest bank.  Here are a few of my favorite spots from the past eight years.

JP Morgan Chase

Using emotion and reason to define a brand. In good times and bad.

After the financial crisis of ’08, TARP, and plunging public opinion, my work on JPMorgan Chase helped transform the bank from a culprit and a basketcase into a key part of rebuilding the American economy.

Here’s the most recent spot I did for the bank. It ran exclusively on Thanksgiving Day. It engendered enormous good will and attention.

This is from an earlier campaign I did when banks could afford to be less defensive. The strategy is basically the same however:  explain how JPMC serves society. I love the emotion in these stories.

We made this 12 minute film to explain the role and values of the bank.

The next two spots explain what the bank’s role was in helping reverse the Great Recession.

We created a rich web experience that gave  a deep dive into all of the ways JPMC is contributing to The Way Forward: (click image to go to site)

This beautiful campaign introduced JPMorgan to global markets. (click to enlarge)



Here’s the integrated case study that shows how all aspects of this campaign worked together on- and off-line: